To anyone who likes to gamble for more than just chasing bonuses, this is the best deal around because if you ever have a problem with the casino, instead of it being just you against them, you now have a 3rd-party with considerable clout (because I send so many players, the casinos don’t want to be taken off my guaranteed list which they cannot buy their way on), with a financial interest in the outcome of your problem being a just decision for all involved. Meaning I pay if they won’t, so that at the very least you’re not out any of your own pocket money. On top of that, I will still be working very hard to get the casino to pay you the full amount, because if I get that done, I’d like back the money I sent you. :), this is not binding, but I think it is fair since ultimately what you want, and what I want, is for you to be treated fairly. If I can’t make the casino do it, then I will (to the best of my ability, which is why I can only guarantee your last deposit, and not if you won a million dollars). I am the real deal, if not, I’d promise the moon since I’d have no intention of going thru with it. That is not the case here, and I’ve been in business for over 5 years with nobody that can say they walked away feeling cheated by me.
*I will always be speaking of publicly traded casino software unless outlined as not.
The big money in online gambling is in providing or leasing the software to individual casino owners and not in owning the casinos.
Casino software providers make anywhere from $200k to $500k per year per casino in leasing prices. That blows away anything that could be made with one casino when you consider how many different casinos they provide games.
Online casino software is constantly being challenged for “randomness” in their game results by the software provider and by individuals who claim to be able to test the software using some kind of other software that runs thru the games at a high speed and then after compiling quantities of stats in a short time they can compare the game result to what would be expected in a real-life situation where the stats for hundreds of thousands of game results had been kept and then broke down into times that result happens. Perhaps better said is to use the roulette wheel. There are 31 spaces and over a long period of kept stats it should reflect that each number was hit about once every 30 times or so.
But say for a moment that a casino using VirtualGaming software was suddenly proven to be returning game results which the programs used to check for “randomness” had deemed to be suspect, usually proper live casinos as https://www.pakarbet88.top/use different type of softwares . Word would spread like wildfire during a drought season and any casino using the software by VirtualGaming would almost immediately become a ghost town.
So it is in the software company’s best interest to always be serving fair-odds games which should put the player somewhat to ease as to worrying whether the games will be fair or not. The parent casino software company will ensure the games have fair-odds randomly presented results.